Aurora Pear Tree
An improved Bartlett type that stores longer. Early, thin-skinned, with sweet and melting flesh. Quite large, resistant to most diseases. Good for home groweres as well as orchardists.
Root Stock: OhxF 333. Semi-dwarf, 12-15 ft, resistant to fireblight, collar rot, and woolly pear aphids
Sun: Full sun
Container Size: 3 gal
Caliper: <1/2"
An improved Bartlett type that stores longer. Early, thin-skinned, with sweet and melting flesh. Quite large, resistant to most diseases. Good for home groweres as well as orchardists.
Root Stock: OhxF 333. Semi-dwarf, 12-15 ft, resistant to fireblight, collar rot, and woolly pear aphids
Sun: Full sun
Container Size: 3 gal
Caliper: <1/2"
An improved Bartlett type that stores longer. Early, thin-skinned, with sweet and melting flesh. Quite large, resistant to most diseases. Good for home groweres as well as orchardists.
Root Stock: OhxF 333. Semi-dwarf, 12-15 ft, resistant to fireblight, collar rot, and woolly pear aphids
Sun: Full sun
Container Size: 3 gal
Caliper: <1/2"