Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum

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Sugar Maples are famous for its sap, which is used to make maple syrup. Displays brilliant Fall Colors.Root Stock: G969: 12-15ft, 15 ft between trees

Sun: Full Sun

Region of Origin: Eastern and Central USA

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Sugar Maples are famous for its sap, which is used to make maple syrup. Displays brilliant Fall Colors.Root Stock: G969: 12-15ft, 15 ft between trees

Sun: Full Sun

Region of Origin: Eastern and Central USA

Sugar Maples are famous for its sap, which is used to make maple syrup. Displays brilliant Fall Colors.Root Stock: G969: 12-15ft, 15 ft between trees

Sun: Full Sun

Region of Origin: Eastern and Central USA

Sassafras | Sassafras albidum
Black Willow | Salix nigra
Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor
White Oak | Quercus alba
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Purple love grass | Eragrostis spectabilis